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Summative assessments – assessments of learning – provide information to be used by district stakeholders in the analysis of district programs and improvement of instruction through professional development and curriculum revision.

Summative assessments also provide students and families with information about student mastery of learning objectives. 


All schools in California must participate in a series of assessments. These assessments include item types that model and promote high-quality teaching and student learning and ensure that all of California students are well prepared for college and careers in today’s competitive global economy.

​Achievement Tests
The CAASPP System includes computer-based assessments that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

  • California Science Test (CAST)
    The CDE is developing a new science assessment based on the California Next Generation Science Standards. The CAST will be given to students enrolled in grades five and eight and once in high school.
  • California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) 
    The CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and Science are aligned with alternate achievement standards—called the Core Content Connectors (CCCs)—and linked to the California Content Standards. Only eligible students may participate in the administration of the CAAs.
  • Grade Two Diagnostic Assessments
    Diagnostic assessments in English-language arts and mathematics to aid teachers in the development of language arts and computational skills of students in grade two.

Language Proficiency Tests

Other Important Tests

  • Physical Fitness Testing (PFT)
    Information regarding the physical fitness test required to be administered to students in grades five, seven, and nine.

Todas las escuelas en California deben participar en una serie de evaluaciones. Estas evaluaciones incluyen tipos de elementos que modelan y promueven la enseñanza de alta calidad y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y garantizan que todos los estudiantes de California estén bien preparados para la universidad y las carreras en la economía global competitiva de hoy.